I have known Darryl Chandra for over 8 years. The relationship started as a recommendation for a realtor/broker from a family member. Normally you complete a transaction and never talk to your realtor again. With Darryl Chandra, I kept a relationship with him and continue to do so till this day for one reason: he’s an AWESOME guy!
After first selecting our location, he was very knowledgeable and caring. He knows the in’s and out’s of the industry and educated me with information that others didn’t have or didn’t care to share. He actually cared and didn’t try to push me towards something that would have earned him a higher commission (like most realtors),, he cared about me first!
Over the years, having had experience with consultants, I can confidently say that Darryl Chandra has provided thousands of dollars of worth of advice and that is why I chose him to sell my business 8 years later. He worked VERY hard, with great communication to sell my business. It was a great pleasure, and after all these years, due to his great work and for the kind of guy he is, I can say that he is not just a realtor, but a friend.